Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Bleached Blonde Mind: Being a Princess

Princess. Noun.
1. A woman member of a royal family other than the monarch, especially a daughter of a monarch.
2. A woman regarded as having the status or qualities of a princess.

Princess. Adjective.
1. Me.
2. My granddaughter.
3. My future granddaughters.
4. Several of my friends.

There are times when people use the term “princess” like it’s a bad thing. I mean what in the world could be bad about being a princess? I own three tiaras. Being a princess is just the right place to be. If I were a Queen, I’d have to make all sorts of decisions, and it would cut into party-time. Besides, the crown isn’t as pretty as a tiara.

Being a princess in this day and age is a wonderful frame of mind. I don’t expect to have anything handed to me on a silver (or silver plated) platter. I don’t expect to wear ball gowns all the time. I don’t even expect to have a servant. Although someone to do the dishes and laundry every once in awhile would be nice. (Oh wait, that’s called my husband, also known as the prince- just don’t tell him I said that).

In the past, being a princess would infer that someone is spoiled. And being spoiled means you get every little thing you want and ask for. Not the case in those of us that are modern day princesses. Most of us work for a living. We can’t have fake nails because we scrub our own toilets and wash the dog. We buy our clothes on sale or at the Goodwill. We wait a few extra weeks to get our roots touched up. We change diapers and we drive cars that have dog slobber on the windows and Happy Meal toys strewn about.

Being a modern day princess definitely has its’ pluses. It means you don’t run into the grocery store in the rain – your prince will drop you off and meet you with the umbrella. It means the bartender will pour you an extra ounce or two of red wine at the tasting. It means eating dessert before your dinner. It means that when you start dancing alone on the dance floor, all your fellow princesses will join you. Being a princess means your granddaughter looks at you with adoring eyes as you paint her tiny fingernails blue. Being a princess means your dog can wear a rhinestone collar. Being a princess gives me an excuse to wear glitter on New Years.

Most of all, being a princess means you get to hang out with all the other wonderful princesses in your life. I am blessed to have quite a few – young and old. And for those that just don’t get it yet, they can gladly be my princess in training.

After all, if we didn’t have modern day princesses, who would wear the pink boas and drink out of wine glasses with crystals on them? It’s a tough job, but it beats being called a commoner!

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