Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Bleached Blonde Mind: You Can't Always Get What You Want

What is it about human nature that makes us want the things that others have? I don’t really mean houses or boats (however a red and white 1959 Corvette would be nice). I’m talking about basic things.

For instance when I go to a restaurant, I usually order last, because undoubtedly I will change my mind each time I hear my friends order something different. I even compare our plates of food, wondering to myself if I should have ordered what they had.

Funny thing though - it’s not just humans that are that way. Take my dogs. I learn a lot about people by watching them – seriously.

I have two of them: a 165 pound Newfoundland that is actually a Water Buffalo in dogs clothing, and a 20 pound Westie wanna be. They have their own bowls and eat their breakfast and dinner at the same time, same place, every day. They eat the same exact food. Nothing is magical about the other bowl. It looks the same and undoubtedly tastes the same. But they insist on eating each others food from each others bowl.

Then there’s the water. Our Newfie is a water hog, and he has bowls of water all over the house – heaven forbid he would go about five minutes without water. But he prefers to drink out of the toilet. I guess the water tastes better for some reason. It doesn’t matter that he has clean, fresh water around every corner – it’s the toilet water he wants. I have trained him, more or less, to not drink out of the toilet. He can get rather sloppy, if you get my drift. But even though he knows he’s not supposed to do it, and he knows there is a bowl of fresh water 5 feet away, he sneaks (as much as a 165 pound bull can sneak) into the bathroom and drinks the bowl dry. He has gotten rather bold about it, too. I close the lid, and have taught my other giant being, my husband, to do so too. But the Water Buffalo has learned how to open the lid, drink, and put the lid down. I kid you not. As soon as I video it, it will be on YouTube.

So I figured that I should be a good role model, and therefore have tried to stop lusting after my friends food, wine and red and white Corvette. I have tried to be happy and content with exactly what I have. I’m hoping that by living by example, the Water Buffalo will stop draining the toilets dry.

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