Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Seasons Eatings

‘Tis the season – for all things wonderful. That of course includes food. So even though I strive to eat healthy the rest of the year – it all goes out the window during “Seasons Eating”. Of course those of us that are professional seasonal eaters know that tight jeans are not the attire to wear. It just makes sense that the “stretchier” the clothes, the more you can eat. Here then, is my theme song for those moments.
This song is meant to be sung VERY loudly to the tune of “Walking in a Winter Wonderland”. Feel free to break into harmony during the chorus!

Candy Canes, they’re around us
Sugar cookies, they astound us –
A beautiful sight, I’m happy tonight,
Walking in my comfy sweat pants-land.

Sweet egg nog, it’s required
The great taste, I never tire.
We sing the sweet song, of food (right or wrong),
Walking in my comfy sweats pant land.

In the kitchen we will find a large ham, and pretend that it is healthy fare.
We’ll have lots of fun with Mr. Hambone, and all the sandwiches we will prepare.

Later on, we’ll conspire,
As we lay by the fire –
Our stomachs are quite full, the calories a toll,
Walking in my comfy sweat pants land.

In the kitchen we will find the rum balls, and pretend they don’t have alcohol.
We’ll have lots of fun with all the rum balls, until the little kiddies all fall down.

When we eat, ain’t it thrilling?
Though our clothes, they are filling.
We’ll frolic and eat, till we fall asleep,
Walking in my comfy sweat pants land.

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