Thursday, July 7, 2011

In My Mind I've Gone to Carolina....

The air is different. The view is lush and green and incredible. Even the bugs are strange and beautiful. I’m in the mountains of North Carolina. James Taylor said it best when he wrote “In my mind, I’m going to Carolina”.
I really love traveling and visiting new places. And so far, there isn’t anywhere that I didn’t enjoy or find something wonderful or beautiful about them. There is something to be said, however, about traveling back to someplace that you really love – someplace that just resonates with your soul.
God really knew what he was doing when he paired me up with my husband. He is the perfect travel buddy. Well, let me back up – he really is the perfect husband. Most of the time. I do have to re-train him every once in awhile, but just like the dogs, he’s good after the refresher course. Traveling with him is really a joy. He’s just so easy going and easy to please. He’s never met a stranger and he’s just about as adventuresome as I am. So when we travel, it’s always the perfect mix of rest and play – sleep and party.
This trip is one of those soul fulfilling trips. We are traveling with another dear friend and staying at the home of two more dear friends. What a blessing – not just to have this beautiful trip and take-your-breath-away view, but loving friends that open their hearts and homes and boats for us.
What would life be if we couldn’t share “just one more bite” meals that knock your socks off – or savor a great cabernet as you watch the sunset behind majestic hills and mountains? What would life be if we couldn’t float in the lake with our noodles, incredible margaritas and some of the best friends ever? How boring it would become if we couldn’t walk together and share our deepest thoughts among the towering pine trees.
I can see how some people would consider a place like this lonely. Small town, no city lights and not a whole lot of people or traffic or big malls. But not me. I am just a humble human being lucky enough to be sharing this space with singing birds, glowing fireflies, and trees that are so old that you know they have many great stories to tell.
Sitting on this porch, writing this column and drinking coffee is just about perfect. My A.D.D. is kicking in a little bit though, because my eyes keep straying to the beautiful views, and my ears keep listening to the joyous songs of the birds. The one thing that is weighing most on my mind is my sense of gratitude. I do appreciate all of this: my friends, the mountains, the lake, the food and my husband. (Not necessarily in that order, dear.) So, it’s time to go – another day of adventure awaits! Thank you, dear friends. Thank you, mother nature. Thank you, Carolina. Thank you, God. Now, time to Jet Ski!

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