Sunday, March 6, 2011

A new me, instead of new jeans....Welcome to a healthy living! It's fun and refreshing and feels wonderful!

So, call me crazy, but instead of buying a pair of $100 jeans guaranteed to make me look thinner, I actually decided to become thinner!
This of course requires discipline, planning and moderation. Three things that really are not my strong points. I realize that if I sincerely want to make this happen, I have to make this a lifestyle change and not a diet. Nope – I am not using – nor will I ever – use the “D” word again. This new way of eating is a choice. It’s not a punishment (although to hear me complain at times, one would think I am being tortured!).
So, before I go any further, I’d like to give a shout out to some of my new friends: organic baby carrots, oranges and broccoli. Yup, you read correctly. I know, amazing, isn’t it? The girl that literally drools whenever someone mentions the words sourdough bread, chocolate and red wine. They too are my friends and always will be – I just won’t be seeing them as much anymore.
Since I am planning on living to be a very healthy and spry 100 (or more), I decided I’d better get on the bandwagon and take care of this body. The no-no’s - mainly sugar, salt, caffeine, alcohol and bread – were calling me from afar the first few days. I know, what else is there, right?
Well, once I got past the initial shock and caffeine headaches, my body started waking up! I now have more energy, I sleep well and the brain fog is lifting. And better yet, the jeans are getting a little bigger, too!
I am not an exercise person – seriously. But I now enjoy my wii dance moves even more and Yoga seems easier. Simple stuff like parking farther away (unless it’s raining, I mean I do have limitations) in a parking lot and walking the dogs more often now seem fun.
Water is now my best friend. Simple, plain, clear water. Not mixed with anything if you get my drift. I treat myself to soda water in a beautiful glass with a lemon. I carry around a huge jug of my daily requirements. I challenge myself to drink the max and maybe even more. I have made peace with the fact that the restroom and I will be on closer terms.
The best part? I really, truly do enjoy eating the freshly made and flavorful meals. Sure it’s a little more work – shopping, chopping, cutting. But I’m getting creative. I’ve made up recipes and use spices I’ve never bothered with before. Shopping has become an adventure in itself…buying fresh organic foods, healthy organic meats and eggs and delicious fruits and berries.
My habits have changed. I now grab for a sweet carrot instead of something with sugar. Now don’t get me wrong. I’ve not gone CRAZY! I will still partake in some yummy chocolate or a glass of Cabernet. (Or both together!) I will still eat my new found love – bacon. I will still savor warm sour dough bread with freshly made Amish butter. But when I do, I will only have a little. And it will be the best wine/chocolate/bacon/bread I’ve ever tasted!
Fifty (one) is the new 40. Well, actually younger than that! I have new granddaughters to keep up with and dreams and plans (yes, the ol’ bucket list) to accomplish. The easiest way to do that is get this body healthy and running like it was intended to. So bring on the fresh veggies! All I can say is it’s a good thing wine gets better with age – I sure don’t want to waste any of the bottles I have!

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